Please fill out the below information to receive interesting deal opportunities. You can always submit multiple forms for e.g., different types of loan (loan vs. Schuldscheindarlehen). Your data will be treated confidentially.

We will contact you as soon as suitable financing requests are received on the firstwire marketplace. In case of questions, please get in touch with us at the end of this page.

Let’s go!

    Investor information

    Borrower information

    In which borrower sector would I like to invest? (multiple selection possible)

    In which countries would I like to invest? (multiple selection possible)

    Financing information

    What is the minimum/maximum financing amount I would like to invest?

    Minimum EUR
    Maximum EUR


    In which currency can I offer financing? (multiple selection possible)

    What is the minimum/maximum loan term I would like to finance?

    Minimum Years
    Maximum Years


    What is the minimum/maximum fixed interest period I would like to finance?

    Minimum Years
    Maximum Years


    Which type of loan can I offer? (multiple selection possible)

    What is the minimum/maximum spread I would like to finance?

    Minimum bps
    Maximum bps


    What is the minimum/maximum coupon I would like to finance?

    Minimum %
    Maximum %


    Which repayment can I offer? (multiple selection possible)

    Which coupon feature can I offer? (multiple selection possible)